Welcome to the BIG project web site

The Biodiversity Information [Group | Geeks | Gadgets] develop software tools and data standards that enable herbaria and museums to perform dynamic distributed queries of their online databases. The main aim of the project is to get fast dynamic queries working across the net. It should also be easy to create a wrapper for the query so that many people can project the data in their systems into the query environment.

There's lots of interesting stuff to be done.

How you can help

Find out more about this project on the SourceForge site!

HISPID5 standard

The HISPID5 standard is in draft at the moment. You can try it out, see if it works for your data, and make any comments/criticisms on SourceForge.

Dynamic Query tools

If you already use the software in its current implementation (that is pre-SourceForge), you can lodge a bug report, support request, or feature request. By doing this, you'll help the project collaborators prioritise their work. Provide as much information as possible in your comment to ensure we can identify the problem. You don't even need to be a SourceForge member to do this!

Development in CVS

At the moment the CVS development area is fairly minimal, as the software is still in development by a contractor. As soon as the contract finishes, we'll be putting the software in the SourceForge CVS, and all BIG developers will be free to make changes to the source. You can use the cvs to get the latest style sheets for the AVH software, and to add others if you are a developer.

Once the project is running, there will be a number of dependencies that your platform must fulfill in order to run the software. In particular, the libraries for XML parsing are required.


A space has been created on the BIG website for tools that can help with manipulating hispid data. Currently there is:

Last Updated: Tuesday 15 October 2002, 2:14:10 AM UTC

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